Hatred of Christianity; Especially Evangelicalism
It is not difficult to spot that the BCSE's driving motivation is their own "misotheism" - hatred of anything to do with God, or anything that makes them think of him. In the articles below, I document the compelling evidence, in their own words.
- "We're Not Anti-Religion, But..." (part 3) : in the days before the BCSE had decided that its official position before the public was religious neutrality, its website contained articles arguing from a distinctly anti-religious position. Here's one description they offer us of their opponents: "a movement of pig-ignorant inarticulate bigots, racists, xenophobes, anti-Semites, misogynists, homophobes, rape apologists, AIDS deniers, government haters, scientific illiterates, gun-lovers, murderous paramilitaries and others predisposed towards extreme violence, half-baked misfits and haters, all obsessed with their own religious and moral superiority."

- "Is This A Pork Pie I See Before Me?" - following on from the above article, the BCSE's leader defends his foaming-at-the-mouth atheist rantings as not only reasonable but in fact as not going far enough.
- "Freedom Pluralism And Deception - part 2" - exposing how three BCSE committee members lobbied the prime minister, asking him to pass a new law to make it illegal for parents to teach their children the beliefs of their own religion.
- "they are all the same as hardline fascists, BNPers, white supremicists, Abu Hamza fans, Marxists, racists, homophobes, Trotskyites, Leninists, Maoists, Northern Ireland paramilitaries, KKKers - all birds of a feather." - the BCSE's founder and official spokesman, giving his assessment of evangelical Christians.
- "Theocracy" series - in which BCSE leaders argue that any approach to life except secularism/atheism, and especially evangelical Christianity, is inherently fascist and/or theocratic and should be fought against.